The field of Child Psychologist is a unique field of psychology that is widely required in criminal and family law. As with the experts that specialise in adult psychology, our Child Psychologists are available across the UK.
With nationwide coverage, we typically provide Child Psychologists that can address issues that include:
Development assessments
Parental attachment assessments
Child abuse
Female Genital Mutilation
Sexualised behaviours/Grooming
Personality disorders – ADHD/Asperger’s/Autism
Our Child Psychologists can account for different cultures and languages, ensuring that they can tailor their assessments to take any cultural or language issues that may arise.
If you require a Child Psychologist, or would like some advice on which Child Psychologist would be best for your case, please contact our team and we will be able to help.
Let Clarity take away the pain of getting an expert witness. Enquire now or call us on 0333 772 1312 to speak to one of our dedicated case managers.